
Started building at 2024/04/16 19:34:33
Using pegged server, 1610 build
Calculating base
Updating mirror
Basing run on 8.0.0-1610 f9bf0295db
Updating tree for run 16.04.2024-19.34
gocb is at 40020ee, changes since last good build: none
libcouchbase is at 684931e, changes since last good build: 
 684931e5 CCBC-1627: fix bodylen value when ffextlen is not zero
 7012d8a5 Update release meta for 3.3.11
 4f63010b CCBC-1618: update query error codes for dynamic authenticator
 caf79f8a Prevent full rebuild on every run of cmake
 42c6854e Update release meta for 3.3.10
 884038e0 CCBC-1616: apply wait_for_config check for all pipelines
 67f73a15 Update release meta for 3.3.9
 cf161787 CCBC-1615: handle rate limit codes during bootstrap
 9a9ed8d8 CCBC-1612: refresh configuration on errors when faster failover is enabled
 429e1d2c CCBC-1608: reduce timeout for idle HTTP connections to 1 second
 82eaeaf6 CCBC-1612: do not throttle CCCP provider in faster failover mode
 d250bfd8 improve logs
 25637cf2 CCBC-1610: fix invalid memory access when patching collection id
 759915b5 CCBC-1611: handle 0x0d CONFIG_ONLY status code
 6a1bce47 CCBC-1610: fix collection id encoding
 3e21d899 CCBC-1610: fix memory management for collection id prefix
indexing is at 1e22275, changes since last good build: 
 1e222757 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/unstable'
 409aada6 MB-100: Add logs to debug initial and incr placement tests
 7eb36d1e MB-61262 add debug req logger and handle panic is http handlers
 3ac2b9c9 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 d9a29546 MB-61262 handle divide by 0 in populateAggregatedStorageMetrics
 6a15198c MB-58380 handle system index build race with rebalance
 4c5bd5c0 MB-58706 add tests for create command token
 d355472f MB-55160 add cancel recovery tests
 9a919fc4 MB-58380 add shard corruption test
 ec757208 MB-100 handle minor testware issue in TestDeferFalse_CloseClientConnection
 dbc401bb MB-100 update go.mod
 af4d3313 MB-60561: Decrement stat tracking current len of TsQueue
 73e37029 Merging another fix for MB-60962
 8f418227 MB-60962 GroupIndexes before filterSolution() if new alternate shardIds are required
 d080ff48 Merging fixes for MB-60962
 4029ad80 MB-60962 Use initialNode from solution in filterSolution
 84258a9d Merging fixes for MB-60917
 a1c0a861 MB-60917 Do not populate '0' realInstId in droppedInstsInRebal
 af48cda4 Merging fix for MB-60900 (CE build failure)
 ed95f9fb MB-60900 remove extra return parameters in plasma_community
 7104b809 Merging fix for MB-60900
 d55fd256 MB-60900 reduce memory overhead by avoiding idx.stats cloning
 4be9f961 Merging fix for MB-60756
 48af2951 MB-60756: Move index to dest indexer in filterSolution
 ab999685 Merging fixes for MB-60771
 63eaee61 MB-60771 Reset alternateShardIds in instance defn during restore
 a0ef7755 Merging fixes for MB-60756
 66948eaf Merging fixes for MB-60208, MB-60758, MB-60759
 8ee78d89 MB-60756 filterSolution before populating alternate shardIds
 32c8985a MB-60759 Skip updating RState for deferred indexes during cleanup
 4a6556fe MB-60758 Prune slots which are on target nodes with different replicaId
 0de0da16 MB-60759 Skip updating RState for deferred indexes in ShardTokenMerge state
 d89a5030 MB-60208 MB-60671: Panic in cbindex, cbindexperf for ToolsConfig
 d5be07bb Merging fixes for MB-60716
 494f9a53 MB-60716 Make indexer and rebalance service manager immune to shard affinity changes
 c151ac9a MB-60716 Make shard transfer manager immune to shard affinity setting change
 bccfbf8d Merging fix for MB-60418.
 6a3c6414 MB-60418 Populate Unexploded exprs for indexes getting upgraded
 36188373 MB-60418 Preprocess unexploded secExprs and exprStatement
 f5abf4d5 Merging fix for MB-60666.
 26b4af93 MB-60666 Fix concurrent map read and map write error
 15926f8c Merging fixes for MB-60362 and MB-60666
 73bcbd42 MB-60362 Adjust numDCPConn for empty node rebalance
 94246b5e Merging fixes for MB-60338, MB-60529, MB-60534, MB-60509 and MB-60580
 aedb5e8d MB-60666 Initialize indexer and bucket stats for empty partition instances
 072cf941 MB-60338: Resubmitting - Swap initialNode too..
 f5b1409f MB-60529: Lower log level for rpc client
 9c22fdee MB-60534 Return cleanup in progress if there are any transfer tokens pending cleanup
 26e75e74 MB-60509 Log out of order snapshot message conditionally
 fd74159e MB-60580: Stop modifying slice while iterating in moveIndexesIfNecessary
 38c16153 Merging fixes for MB-60600
 fe43977e MB-60600: Call destTokenToMergeOrReady for all index insts in tt
 284f7982 Merging fix for MB-60574
 0972a833 MB-60574 update log level in updateTopology
 088eadd5 Merging fixes for MB-60575, MB-60579, MB-60585, MB-60521
 910f95c5 MB-60585 Populate indexDefn in instance for proxy usage
 a1807085 MB-60575 Add all shard tokens to cleanup list before DCP tokens
 6fa746ca MB-60579 Process ShardTokenRecoveryShard for master and source nodes
 32b647e6 MB-60521: Avoid cleanup of realInst for shardRebalance cleanup
 32914bcb Merging fixes for MB-60509,MB-60338,MB-60534,MB-60529
 95eaa9d7 Revert "Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/unstable'"
 40fe9991 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/unstable'
 98871eb3 MB-60509 Log out of order snapshot message conditionally
 91b9be8c MB-60529: Lower log level for rpc client
 89bf5c33 MB-60338: Swap initialNode too when swapping index replicas
 b98e41ff MB-60534 Return cleanup in progress if there are any transfer tokens pending cleanup
 1c0202f1 Merging fixes for MB-59355 MB-60316 MB-60460 MB-59656
 86e6b496 MB-59355: Add config for high memory fragmentation threshold
 784aa8e2 MB-60316: Avoid race for SetMcdConnectionWriteDeadline between doDcpRequestStream & DequeueMutations
 fb5a39b8 MB-60460 reset adminports on CAS fail retry in safeupdate
 a205a3b3 MB-59656: Fix NumVbs out of valid range logs
 529fec1f Merging fixes for MB-60422 and MB-59654
 ff2491f6 MB-60422 Handle TMPFAIL status from memcached
 78ca7e44 MB-59654 Add isPersistanceActive REST endpoint
 6610de91 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 c461b642 MB-60242 fix overrideExclude for proxy index_usage
 1c16827e MB-59256 Check for shutdown errors for every 1000 rows scanned
 1d11bfb7 MB-59654 Handle snapEnd less than previously received snapEnd
 e9dde70e Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 c26a1510 MB-60369 move wait for partn merge to outer loop
 2eeda457 MB-59656: Change in updation of bucketNameNumVBucketsMap
 8e78cf2f MB-55365 Reduce log level to prevent log flooding
 5bba377d Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 7d47410b MB-60336 Drain batchBuildReqCh if rebalance is cancelled
 275f84d4 MB-59656: Check for out of range numVBs recieved
 ea17a65a MB-59656: Increase numvbuckets logs
 f1a359ec MB-60306 Provide REST endpoint to check dropCleanupPending status
 9de8523c MB-57684: Update flush buffer tuner config
 acf65c5c MB-60237 move to cluster version for shard affinity checks
 e14da3e8 MB-60282 Return scope/collection not found error incase of mismatch in UID
 b9125bcc Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 73652505 MB-59355: Add plasma config for recovery mem check interval
 62bc119a MB-60257 Increase the size of bootstraps channel
 5ceba205 MB-60236 DDLServiceMgr - Process tokens inspite of build failures
 cbf99548 MB-60254 Improve logging for Add index and Skip index
 8821c719 MB-60254 Update RState in metadata for an instance with zero partitions
 52cabced MB-59911 Cleanup empty shards at the start of rebalance
 3ee1e750 MB-59911 Destroy empty shards periodically
 515cbbe0 MB-58706 handle Using as GSI in genShardTransferToken2
 e81c9d02 MB-55160 add cancelRecoveryCh to plasma slice for shard rebalance
 2b520ee5 MB-100 validate config updates from metakv
 7d8821a5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 b62a5a8e MB-58729: Make logging uniform in GsiScanClient
 c8a8acfc MB-58729: Use new scan protocol from 7.6 not 7.2
 7471374d MB-60127: Update rpc config for client quota and rate control
 de97083d Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 59ef7a89 MB-58729: Read StreamEndResponse for EndStreamRequest in closeStream
 6cebe160 MB-59808 Do not clear acceptedNames book-keeping for scheduled index request
 f271d99d Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 8ab24c2f MB-60023: Converted cleanupShardTokenForDest for token state ShardRecovery, ShardTokenMerge to async
 0f50e3fa MB-59836 handle progress update in concurrent DCP + Shard rebalancer
 95256c4c Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 91564e19 MB-59875 Fail rebalance if cleanup is pending before acquiring lock
 d1db6b06 MB-59280 Populate alternate shardIds for all indexes getting restored
 26412052 MB-60155 unlock shards on source post transfer
 44065513 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 1045d3fd MB-59715 Update instanceIds suiting replicas when assigning alternate shardIds
 2c547132 MB-59941 Ensure ordering between ShardTokenReady and ShardTokenDropOnSource
 e3742fe8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 fa501cef MB-59958 do not open snapshot for deleted index on async recovery
 f24d1bcf MB-58992 backup corrupt indices during shard rebalance
 aca5e638 MB-60023 Handle Empty defnIdList for processBatchBuildReq
 c398b5ed MB-58275 Check for pending drop cleanup before rebalance
 abe0720b MB-59945 Update transfer phase with instId on source node during repair
 27ca5dbe MB-59715 Fix index already exists error logging
 8d001fd6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 344acddb MB-60063 handle nil stats map in broadcastStats
 d2e88d78 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 ba1d210d MB-59313: Fix index creation priority for non-serverless
 803b1128 MB-59608 avoid concurrent write to stats map in LifecylyMgr
 accb9ca1 MB-57803 update ShardId in shard stats
 cb941b25 MB-59188 Bump indexer version constants to 7.6.0
kv_engine is at aeb54b8, changes since last good build: 
 aeb54b824 MB-41351: Clean-up CollectionsManifest
 1909629bc MB-41351: Add flush to test_manifest
 5b0e47edf Move definition of CacheLocalStatistics to header (C++20)
 f602db6ef [C++20] Fix compile error caused by ambiguous == operator
 e78bfddc6 MB-9418: Enable secondary warmup for "on-prem"
 c77d7bd8f [C++20] Fix compile error on MacOSX for operator ==
 cded489ea MB-9418: Synchronised access to secondary warmup*
 406d467ad MB-61226: Avoid the branch on ordered for getKey()
 a2ead6f8d [C++20] Fix ambiguity between fmt:format_to and std::format_to
 60ae30ba7 MB-61453: Format string must be passed in as a compile-time constant
 c3dbdc932 Fix number of format arguments [test client]
 59fe77df4 MB-61159: Log slow/stuck DCP consumers
 716baef58 A size may be formatted without any specifiers (fails with {:p})
 500672982 Remove unused (and incorrect) fmt::format
 e18d77ffc Replace deprecated lambda capture for this
 ca6b9f3ef Fix format string to fmt::format
 47d006ba9 MB-61433: Use check_pragma_once from platform
 4c3478f7c MB-60746: Log duration DCP is paused by MaxSendQueueSize
 d69197782 Merge "Merge commit '27d95acbf' into trunk"
 4d5484b90 MB-61394: Add getStatsTime histogram for Magma::GetStats timings
 0a0d3f0f1 MB-9418: Provide stats for secondary warmup
 07fac76d6 MB-9418: Tidy up warmup threshold stat
 d91a48070 MB-9418: Rename warmup_secondary -> secondary_warmup
 390b13806 Merge commit '27d95acbf' into trunk
 f3e7267ae MB-60746: Remove obsolete logic in tryToProgressDcpStream
 5c096d03f MB-60932: Remove setting of always_collect_trace_info
 ad06aa841 MB-60889: Use magma_fusion_cache_size at MagmaKVStore creation
 5287760c5 MB-60889: Introduce the magma_fusion_cache_size EP param
 69bef1d41 MB-60889: Use magma_fusion_volume_name at MagmaKVStore creation
 a4fb4018f MB-60889: Introduce the magma_fusion_volume_name EP param
 a0ca9a101 MB-60889: Use magma_fusion_endpoint_uri at MagmaKVStore creation
 b32239950 clang-tidy: 'Declration of 'error' hides previous local decl'
 51d59a3a9 Remove method which hides non-virtual function
 f708d92ee MB-60861: Refactor logging in
 e8337b7ad MB-55290: Reduce ht_locks in tests that exceed 64 acquired
 d55ef88d1 clang-tidy: 'Function not implemented'
 3ffcd1779 MB-61429: clang-tidy: Throw expression can be replaced with rethrow
 97dd0bea6 MB-61427: clang-tidy: Add missing throw keyword
 72f1688b1 Avoid decoding files when checking for #pragma
 d8385a6a9 Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk"
 2500cdea7 MB-61294: Drop audit events after audit dameon is disabled.
 57e6f8ffb Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 f6c3a4b14 MB-60858: Add support for setting user flags
 27d95acbf MB-61250: Merge commit 'fbeebc71' into 'couchbase/trinity'
 8e76c2314 MB-9418: Clean-up estimated warmup key/value counts
 82dfb8512 Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk"
 85e3377ff MB-55290: Update dumping helper functions for incremental resizing
 5e9db8722 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 b7c55383d Merge commit 'couchbase/trinity~4' into trunk
 3a32d23ae MB-61377: Add a trace span for fetching storage engine stats
 e179a461a MB-61376: Don't run bucket stats in worker thread context
 dbdd80d30 MB-61174: Don't use 10 iteration counts for unknown users
 e064a5733 MB-60858: [xattr] Add support for binary values
 1e5082165 MB-60858: Add documentation for extended attributes
 c6b7c8a33 MB-9418: Test coverage for value eviction
 44a1a3b85 MB-9418: Make secondary warmup configuration dynamic
 ea52ff28e MB-61329: test_access_scanner: Skip waiting if already ran
 13c960577 MB-60300: Improve test_access_scanner population check
 889a93aaf MB-60889: Introduce the magma_fusion_endpoint_uri EP param
 1fdcc18c9 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 f1d075067 MB-60431: Replace "unit":"count" with "unit":"none"
 d208554a5 MB-60861: Add support for structured JSON logs
 166dfa9a3 MB-61277: Only unpause DcpProducer if we may progress
 57743314c MB-9418: Move logWarmupStats to Warmup membership
 17e15966c MB-61275: Use an RW lock for BufferLock
 a6bb952de MB-61155: Remove unnecessary unpause of DCP stream
 b7add20cd MB-61274: Remove notification from buffer ack
 fcb9c19db Add 7.2.4->neo to
 430ea9410 MB-35571: Expand properties of documents that validateKey() checks
 16af823c3 MB-61020: Remove duplicate dcp snapshot marker flags
 023fd2818 MB-61275: Refactor: Move lock out of BufferLog
 ce74bebba MB-61263: split getNextItem to helper functions
 bde53781b MB-61233: Allow for specifying SCRAM iteration count
 fbeebc712 MB-61250: Clean-up temp-initial item from compaction BG fetch
 489da3e22 MB-61250: Remove completeCompactionExpiryBgFetch deadcode
 a64ec941b MB-61158: Allow >4GB values for flush_batch_max_bytes in EP config
 95bcb3f76 Merge trinity/1a9a907d4 into master
 1a9a907d4 MB-61238: Ensure that checkpoint_computed_max_size is correctly set
 70134331c MB-9418: Tidy up EPBucket functions
 a5c73b9af MB-60806: Remove warning from CouchKVStore::getWithHeader for not found
 26c2b5314 MB-55290: Resize HashTable incrementally
 a509f9c67 MB-9418: Tolerate rollback during warm-up
 38ef6b499 MB-55290: Reschedule HashTable resize if blocked by a visitor
 27046fcb9 MB-55290: Allow visitors to revisit vbuckets
 df24f1e38 MB-61190: Don't use else after return
 30095e2ac MB-54334: Use a per-process unique name for the database
 e9e97ef6d MB-55290: Introduce the ht_resize_algo configuration parameter
 3ba65d4d8 MB-55290: Use cb::NonBlockingSharedMutex to track HashTable visitors
 b866ac4da Add .flake8 and format Python files
 c30801816 MB-61158: Ensure checkpoint's max size doesn't cross flush_batch_max_bytes
 057fec491 MB-61158: Enforce flush_batch_max_bytes
 a4b40ec55 MB-61158: Add flush_batch_max_bytes EP param
 bf242c92e MB-61170: Release all allocated resources in memcached_statistics_tests
 d21a8c998 MB-26832: Refactor ASCheckpointProcessorTask to inherit EpNotifiableTask
 cffb72ee0 MB-55290: Simplify hash to HashTable bucket mapping
 a6f0900b7 MB-55290: Return target HashTable bucket by reference
 3b15da320 [refactor] Use platform/define_...__functions.h
 29b537025 Refactor: Use DcpAddStreamFlag [4/4]
 8bca3f078 MB-60936: Make checkpointManagerEstimatedMemUsage non-CoreLocal
 a11e25191 Add getr(eplica) to sync_repl script and correct mcbp get parsing
 e53a879d0 MB-55290: Use memory_order_acquire in HashTable getters
 760fe887b MB-60797: Precisely expose resident ratio to prometheus
 4e6ba1720 MB-55290: Remove VBucket::size()
 5d2fe45cb MB-60879: Expose the average size of all Hashtable to prometheus
 9b4df9683 MB-60879: Expose max HashTable size to prometheus
 a13ed3e05 [] Support RHEL8 and older Couchbase Server
 e9b98a75a MB-41351: Reorder CollectionMetaData order
 7099932ee MB-41351: Accept flush_uid in manifest
 e2cb8e9f1 MB-61020: Remove duplicate formatting function
 15f9a157f Refactor: Use DcpOpenFlag on the server side [3/4]
 0654de9f4 Refactor: Migrate client side to use DcpOpenFlag [2/4]
 f77bc6f57 Refactor: Add DcpOpenFlag and DcpAddStreamFlag enum class [1/4]
 06651733b Refactor: Rename doc_flag to DocFlag
 763ab1215 MB-9418: Fix unit test failure due to missing ';'
 d90780926 MB-60908: Log when Takeover enters the backup state
 af9ebfda1 MB-60938: Include flags in the add-stream logging
 d768ab189 MB-60908: Enhance Takeover state transitions logging
 2875ade8b MB-9418: Add Secondary Warmup
 a262c669a MB-61000: Downgrade "no data from checkpoints" log from warn to debug
 fec4da2c6 Remove hack added for g++ 10.2.0
 1007f3d0e MB-9418: Warmup -> Primary Warmup
 749b5d7c1 [Cleanup] Refactor PathFlag to enum class
 f73840bf5 [Cleanup] Move operators next to the datatype
 d0c7b7099 [Refactor] Move FLEX_META_CODE to couch-kvstore-metadata.h
 2a0abadfe [Cleanup] Remove old protocol struct definitions [1/n]
 f271b9ff8 [Cleanup] Use cb::mcbp::ResponseBuilder
 cfc35b7d0 [Cleanup] improve readability in
 56378fac6 Remove unused StoredValue::compressValue
 099f0a9af MB-9418: Don't transition to CheckForAccessLog if not required.
 33b285aad Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 f5c8430b4 MB-60986: Revert change that increased number of NonIO threads
 dc33c110a MB-60986 Revert "Set Zstd as default for data block compression"
 2ee416dcd Folly throws different exception for cert tests
 473d4b57c MB-50886: Add connagg stat tests
 93b950f0b MB-9418: Tweak warm-up configuration description
 4997a7a18 MB-9418: Move logging of metadata load time
 11494962f MB-9418: [Refactor] Move warm-up "limiting" to Warmup
 50a4c114c MB-60792: Change System to SystemEvent in collection related code
 bfcb9fe42 MB-9418: [Refactor] Don't ask EPBucket for the Warmup object
 fa2df2dae MB-55290: Cleanup HashTable::resize()
 3c3d12ce2 MB-9418: [Refactor] Warmup standardise requests for the shard count
 e809a96dd MB-9418: [Refactor] Rename "maybeEnableTraffic"
 086b353a6 MB-9418: [Refactor] Use ScanStatus::Cancelled to stop warmup
 bffbd02ef MB-60932: Remove support for disable collecting trace span
 6f9eec981 MB-60918: Remove privilege_debug mode
 94e33cb30 MB-59211: Make the LoadingAccessLog warm-up phase co-operative
 8c2e54603 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 6452f6311 MB-60922: Preserve memory for RangeScanCreate and DcpStreamReq
 1e57fd504 MB-55290: Make HashTable getters const
 d5b64e25e Add KVBucket::operationPrologue
 dac875c4f Refactor: use cb::calculateThroughput
 003755a18 GoModBuild support address sanitizer
 a1910cd73 MB-60497: Time external auth request into a histogram
 3dc0a50dc MB-60497: Timeout external auth request with no response
 cd58bd856 MB-57267: Add slow op style log message for slow prometheus scrapes.
 ba23ea49c Add privilege check benchmark
 b859f8912 MB-60420: Mutate unique keys to trigger memory condition
 1e97d3047 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 26c46262c MB-53681: Test that passthrough DCP closes when losing privilges
 c6e15be39 Refactor: use cb::net::set_socket_blocking()
 889707403 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 08e4d9da9 MB-53681: Improve "Creating stream" logging w.r.t VB::Filter
 d76d89b01 MB-53681: Collection/scope stats need to check for system privilege
 6f9fee337 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 508e64e9e MB-53681: Use std::move in CreateEventData/CreateScopeEventData
 c9c634098 MB-53681: DCP filtering for connections without SystemCollectionLookup
 e0ec26f87 MB-53681: Add a single state type to VB::Filter
 4d75f5afa MB-60795: Use the steady clock to run manageConnections()
 386c46d57 Add to create container from couchbase.log
 d8c2586f9 kv_slow_ops_2_gtrace ignore non-Unicode sequences
 051848c29 MB-60497: Add external_auth_response_timeout config parameter
 2419ca485 MB-53681: Add "system" true/false to delete system events
 f773a87c1 MB-53681: Enforce system scope to contain system collections
 b27b38a25 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 b276c36ab MB-60754: Change attribute for config only to 'retry-now'
 d82cadba4 MB-53681: Add SystemCollectionLookup/Mutation privilege
 302a2bae1 [dcpdrain] Fix warnings from clang-tidy
 767d18aeb Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 43f4a9232 MB-60706: Add missing unit test for new log messages added
 086bc8885 Refactor: Split DcpProducer::streamRequest into 6 methods
 959b67fce MB-60415: Update legacy comment on DCP Consumer Buffer
 b4cad5c76 MB-60706: Add ["sendqueue"]["actual"] in Connection::to_json_tcp
 8042a329b MB-60706: Dump connection details at release for DCP
 dd1cb9245 [dcpdrain] Add missing newlines
 df2e5b34a Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 306e9b386 Revert "MB-60706: Dump connection details at release for DCP"
 5e57e3b80 MB-60497: Log warning when external auth is longer than 5s
 b3161cd8f Revert "MB-60706: Add ["sendqueue"]["actual"] in Connection::to_json_tcp"
 bfebad56a MB-60706: Add ["sendqueue"]["actual"] in Connection::to_json_tcp
 fbc7ec7dd MB-60706: Dump connection details at release for DCP
 31c25eb73 MB-60497: Add external_auth_slow_duration config parameter
 d3ae86e98 kv_slow_ops_2_gtrace does not recognise some units of time
 96cdd8276 MB-60276: Merge commit '6ad68d9' into 'couchbase/trinity'
 6ad68d9ea MB-60276: [BP] Avoid unnecessarily calling CouchKVStore::getDbFileInfo()
 9597e68c0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 8fffa0604 MB-60726: Remove potential dangling pointer
 bdf3605cf Merge branch 'trinity' into 'master'
 9d8e75422 MB-60525 [3/3]: Don't cleanup connections every ConnManager::run
 ad8b52840 MB-60525 [2/3]: Introduce the connection_cleanup_interval config. param.
 3c94b9fe4 MB-60525 [1/3]: Declare ConnManager in a header file
 f3df30c6c MB-59491: Move two hot stats to CoreLocal
 43382ddb3 MB-60497: Expose number of external auth requests
 b40b2da8d MB-60687: Make initial value type explicit for std::accumulate
 be842849a Merge trinity/169a91f64 into master
 169a91f64 MB-60525: Minimize deadConnections lock scope in ::manageConnections()
 4fed3d581 MB-60525: ::deadConnections lock and ConnStore lock not nested
 41c6c4226 Merge branch 'couchbase/trinity' into 'couchbase/master'
 ba6113d3d MB-60670: Check for RangeScan priv on RangeScanCreate
 53b3691ab MB-60525: Turn DcpConnMap::deadConnections into folly::Synchronized
 27c2e5ddd MB-60525: Fix comments on DcpConnMap::connsLock
 50ffe5f79 MB-60525: Don't acquire connLock in DcpConnMap::vbucketStateChanged
 119bfacc3 MB-60525: Don't acquire connLock in DcpConnMap::addPassiveStream
 bfeb5a5e1 MB-60525: Don't acquire connLock in DcpConnMap::isConnections
 4fad6ed64 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 fbbfc7fbc MB-53681: Propagate system collection state into Cookie
 f8d9a3483 MB-53681: Add "system" flag to get_collection_meta result
 efc0adb65 Merge branch 'couchbase/trinity' into 'couchbase/master'
 b104f79fd MB-59491: Add fast path for bailing out when audit is disabled
 641c30ffb Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk"
 1f5e26928 MB-60183: Allow thread safe access to DCP field parameters
 4790fdba9 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 2973f6d50 MB-59491: Remove command tracing from hot path
 bedfbe8ca Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 fd8a8c4f6 MB-60538: Dump all frame extras
 6422279f6 MB-60546: Add vb__ht_memory_overhead metric.
 fd8914a76 MB-60542: Parse and dump "deprecated" and "notes" fields.
 ef7bdbf00 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 ea3a69206 MB-59491: Reuse timestamp for cookie initialization
 0d0ab41fb MB-59491: Remove Cookie::durable
 92da18269 Refactor off phosphor::StringPtr
 2640d30a4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 537c4f643 MB-60525: Use '_' in place of ":" for dcpdrain connection names
 5f67c5bf5 Fix warning in LearningAgeAndMFUBasedEviction::getThresholds
 4b3840ebc Merge "Merge commit '3ec11d6' into 'couchbase/trinity'" into trinity
 8094c4534 Merge "Merge commit 'c8d9921' into 'couchbase/trinity'" into trinity
 f9a1e2178 MB-60468: Make OOM Consumer test in dcp_testsuite deterministic
 19335ef69 Merge "Merge commit trinity/67934e940 into master"
 f35208740 Cleanup after upgrade to fmtlib 10.x
 8f2389b3c Merge commit trinity/67934e940 into master
 bff505d86 Merge commit '3ec11d6' into 'couchbase/trinity'
 df9eab710 Merge commit 'c8d9921' into 'couchbase/trinity'
 67934e940 MB-60468: Prevent over-acking at PassiveStream::setDead
 bfe6bdda9 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 b16ea5548 MB-60468: Add OOM-mode to DcpConsumerAckTest
 d7fa8c8e0 MB-60468: Remove useless func call in PassiveStream::messageReceived
 3ec11d68f [BP] MB-59601: Fix data race in CheckpointManager::takeAndResetCursors
 cea2e2243 MB-60443: Create privilege database for memcached_mcbp_bench
 bb3dda266 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 03bc659d6 MB-59491: Don't make the FrameInfo lambda unless verify_header needs it
 1df3ecd6a Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' into trunk
 a4a8ab39a MB-60429: Allow for domain to be set to "unknown"
 9e834f715 MB-59759: Do not send snap_start_seqno lower than the requested
 35672f388 Update unmerged-commits with trinity branch
 eb5e41373 Configure breakpad test to log synchronously
 c8d992161 MB-43772: [BP] Only collect exposer_ metrics for the low cardinality
 660ec3cad MB-54490: Allow backup persistence cursor stats to be ignored
 9b8490d08 MB-31869: Reference follow-up work for MB-60439
 366d99a7a MB-31869: Reference follow-up work for MB-60438
 58967ffa0 MB-31869: Convert BufferDcpAbort test into FlowControlUnackedDcpAbort
 aa09251c6 MB-31869: Convert BufferDcpCommit test into FlowControlUnackedDcpCommit
 91e1a061c MB-60379: Don't use the trace spans to determine execution time
 21bfced22 MB-31869: Remove legacy test for MB-41024
 da096c37f MB-31869: Rename dcp_consumer_process_buffered_messages_yield_limit
 19ac4ed65 MB-60397: Add debug logging statement for failing unit test
 d6bbc0875 MB-31869: Remove the unused PassiveStream::Buffer
 cfa518758 MB-31869: Fix MB18452_yield_dcp_processor into DcpConsumerTaskYields
 e6581f89c MB-31869: Fix ProcessReplicationBuffer* tests
 868f6bb46 Add missing #include  in auth_provider_server.h
 259bccbe2 MB-31869: Remove PassiveStream::alwaysBufferOperations
 d0e20ea41 MB-31869: Convert DcpConsumerBufferAckTest into DcpConsumerAckTest
 a49325f1b MB-31869: Remove processBufferedMessages_postFront_Hook
 dec256bb6 MB-60420: Disable ReplicateJustBeforeThrottleThreshold test on WIN32
 26ea3d320 MB-31869: Remove dcp_consumer_process_buffered_messages_batch_size
 ebcbc1bb1 MB-43772: Only collect exposer_ metrics for the low cardinality endpoint
 67d070f8c MB-31869: Rename "*bufferedItems" funcs into "*UnackedBytes"
 f3c8c6826 MB-31869: Rename process_items_error_t into ProcessUnackedBytesResult
 5f026016d MB-31869: Don't buffer DCP messages at Consumer at OOM
 49ab700f4 MB-31869: Remove dup processMessageInner() calls in PS::processMessage
 8a2899ba5 Fix testapp to not treat port 65535 (in_port_t(-1)) as invalid
 07a4f9b8d MB-31869: PassiveStream allows bypassing mem checks for Expiration [2]
 139b74f19 MB-31869: PassiveStream allows bypassing mem checks for Deletion [2]
 f9c973ea9 MB-31869: PassiveStream allows bypassing mem checks for Expiration [1]
 c3798bf51 MB-31869: PassiveStream allows bypassing mem checks for Deletion [1]
 e9beaf884 MB-31869: PassiveStream allows bypassing mem checks for Prepare
 74384f753 MB-31869: PassiveStream allows bypassing mem checks for Mutation
 be3c4777f MB-31869: Simplify 'mayNeedXattrsPreserving' logic and comments
 6a3ba3c0b MB-31869: Expects(v) in VBucket::deleteWithMeta
 50a409202 MB-31869: Introduce the VBQueueItemCtx::enforceMemCheck flag
 7a179037f MB-59601: Fix data race in CheckpointManager::takeAndResetCursors
 e0e4d9da0 [testapp] Get test passwords from test env
 1aa0661c7 Cleanup
 00779bc74 MB-56917: Don't queue BGItems if above mutation watermark
 dde138c4d MB-31869: Remove duplicate code in TestBucketImpl::set functions
 4e8acd037 MB-31869: Remove the ReplicationThrottle class
 2b05aaaaa MB-56917: Check memory when fetching item from disk in Magma
 ca71f596d Remove unused add_stat functions
 d465fb587 kv_slow_ops_2_gtrace: Some slow ops might not have a key
 2cbe2a2e0 [cluster_test] clang-tidy clustertest.*
 397989531 MB-60276: Avoid unnecessarily calling CouchKVStore::getDbFileInfo()
 23a5a6eca Fix build break with fmt 10.1.1 in
 3192ee62b [clang-tidy] Initialize all Cookie members
 d82d9ea6b MB-31869: Remove the MockReplicationThrottle test class
 02ada3633 MB-31869: Introduce the dcp_consumer_flow_control_ack_seconds EP param
 3b9cfb9ee MB-31869: Introduce the dcp_consumer_flow_control_ack_ratio EP param
 f1c04f608 MB-59855: Do not DCPBackfill::scan() on create for Sequential backfills
 269f1222b MB-58868: support json format for mcstat
 62dfb68a4 MB-56917: Check memory before creating a new item from BGFetch
 cc3e9fe43 MB-58868: Set datatype JSON for JSON encoded stats...
 e4b046f7f Revert "MB-56917: Check memory before creating a new item from BGFetch"
 5d277548a MB-60249: Disable MaxConnectionPerBucket test
 370cdcfb2 Replace non-standard __FUNCTION__ with c++11 __func__
 abbf3412c Merge "Merge branch 'couchbase/neo' into 'couchbase/master'"
 32e16c42c Merge branch 'couchbase/neo' into 'couchbase/master'
 60ef57cdc MB-56917: Check memory before creating a new item from BGFetch
 bac7d07bc Merge "Merge branch 'couchbase/neo' into 'couchbase/master'"
 5238a2d35 Include  in memcached/types.h for fmtlib > v10
 909f61665 MB-58868: Add alternative format for STAT(dcp) and use for cbstats
 b2b6b60d7 MB-56917: Refactor makeGetValue and makeItem to accept CreateItemCB
 f2494c9c8 Merge branch 'couchbase/neo' into 'couchbase/master'
 f333b4d53 MB-58868: Add dcpdrain --hang
 3071fdcc0 MB-60046: Merge branch 'couchbase/7.1.x' into 'couchbase/neo'
 81db0a73c MB-55027: Have dcp stat execution yield when the buffer is full
 4418e71f0 MB-60066: Improve DCP_EXPIRATION xattr validation
 72d1f9a45 Fix building with fmt 10.1.0
 638153210 MB-60066: Remove redundant priv_bytes parameter
 dd6335bb8 Merge commit 'couchbase/neo' into 'couchbase/master'
 ee919457e MB-60066: Tolerate DCP deletions with value larger than 1MiB
 6c62c4be6 MB-56917: Refactor fetchDoc to accept a createItemCB
 429d5ebab MB-59012: Remove local var from PassiveStream::setDead
 bcbf13e17 MB-60046: Ephemeral: Don't auto-delete committed and pending keys.
 4490b0e43 Remove support for RocksDB
 68e70c885 Explicitly shut down audit in fuzz tests
 73456a0e2 Fix inefficient memory allocation when stats exceed 16k
 33718be16 MB-59478: Log total bytes sent when destroying DcpProducer
 b9c06c87e MB-59012: Remove the SyncWriteOperation type
 95fdc1a92 MB-59012: Refactor VBNotifyCtx
 5d7d4b130 MB-55027: Allow the DCP stream stats builder to pause
 45e8f9682 Disable fmt format check for WIN32
 d1d56a827 Use the same pattern for StatsResponse class as other packets
 ab356e858 clang-tidy
 e104d8b50 MB-56917: Refactor getMulti to accept a createItemCallback
 98a8e622b MB-58868: Optimise JSON serialisation for stream stats
 85a33b782 MB-55027: EWB until the stats output is written to the socket
 8c1b25cc4 MB-59868: Print CAS and framing extras for headers
 10c60ffb4 Cleanup: Don't reauthenticate every time we fetch the connection
 9e0abb8e9 MB-57753: Copy log message from kv_bucket to nobucket_taskable
 1d60b6d5f MB-55027: Buffer mcbp stats responses from background tasks
 b53df3663 Refactor: rename to
 79a22d823 MB-59907: (Lazily) disconnect unauthenticated connections
 f2811099d MB-58868: Optionally format DCP stream stats as JSON
 6a36f2846 clang-tidy daemon/
 b6fd4a0f0 MB-58644: Update expected EPStats size
 62333fe96 [BP] MB-59817 [2/2]: Warmup active vbuckets before other
 44b39324a [BP] MB-59817 [1/2]: Warmup vbuckets in the order specified
 04480b996 [BP] MB-59368: Use getPageableMemCurrent/MemLowWatermark in PagingVisitor
ns_server is at 0d96d31, changes since last good build: 
 0d96d319d Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 d412edc4b MB-61368 Remove ensure_local check for /controller/uploadClusterCA
 8bb7eb2da Enable the maybe feature
 bafed3c38 [cut] Add maybe support
 313ae4c57 [cut] Add a link to erlang AST description
 dfcf1b1c1 [cut] Rename: lc_bc_quals -> comprehension_qualifiers
 b60888ce6 [cut] Add map comprehensions support
 f157a8724 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 a8b691c34 MB-61242 Redact SAML configuration
 6cbb90da5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 eb1159d80 MB-60713: Fix overlapping vb-ids on y-axis of rebalance plot
 734acd4e9 MB-60711: Correctly label backfills in rebalance plot legend
 0a1f2b664 cluster_tests: Handle unexpected errors outside testsets
 6385e3267 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 f784cd81e MB-61432 Fix io format which lead to server error
 b7a7634c0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 2b5c558f7 MB-61056: only check type for variable service settings
 e7dfea081 MB-61405: Report correct stat name for disks like "pxd/etc"
 765c22949 MB-60555: Remove lock files that don't seem to be used
 68cae11bc MB-60555: Add rebar.lock to repo
 83f4adff3  MB-60555: Use gen_smtp from couchbasedeps/gen_smtp
 54e3079f6 MB-60555: Use enacl from couchbasedeps/enacl
 5554ce5cc MB-60555: Use esaml from couchbasedeps/esaml
 3520c70c2 MB-60555: Use external deps for iso8601, meck, ...
 8e256ab07 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 8c9528421 MB-61400: [BP] [enacl] Get rid of clang15 compilation errors
 38cece00a Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'"
 2444c91ac Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'"
 1f1fa9f49 MB-61397: Remove misleading comment about excluding collections.
 4967f4882 MB-60405 Terse bucket uploader needs vbmap
 544a017b0 MB-61287: += columnar_profile when building columnar
 8fbd92805 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 394ca920f menelaus_web_guardrails: Use assertProplistsEqualRecursively
 28453f12c Unit test utility macro: assertProplistsEqualRecursively
 22c79b9ff Fix index_resident_ratio guardrail metric
 65ac70be8 Unit tests for guardrail metrics
 2299aee2d Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 1ca76ef33 MB-61006: provide api to disable audit ...
 5e765e63e MB-60642: [cluster_test] incorrect Host header
 50b6e04ed MB-60642: sanitize http host header on redirect
 efae2225c MB-60634: prometheus_cfg terminate loglevel change
 15042afcb Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 6e7e3d85f MB-57610: Correct "added" version for cm_rebalance_progress
 1335a9cd9 MB-61287: allow projector to be optionally disabled
 2d5718361 MB-61287: use an explicit setting to toggle blob storage settings
 a521a10db Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 c2c5772d4 MB-61319 Update sigar state when getting cgroup info
 5a1677093 MB-60778: Restrict mobile_sync_gateway writes to _mobile.
 c683d9ccd Modify memcached_auth_server to use bucket snapshot.
 acd69cde4 Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'"
 d462bf047 Revert "MB-60555: Use external deps for iso8601, meck, ..."
 cd6df1922 Revert "MB-60555: Use esaml from couchbasedeps/esaml"
 e82c74a8a Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 c9ccf5076 Fix comment in sigar
 77801f05f MB-61259 Remove ns_tick_agent and pubsub race
 2f13196bd MB-60555: Use esaml from couchbasedeps/esaml
 84bae9765 [cluster_tests] Make it possible to pass session to testlib
 4aec4ba8f MB-60555: Use external deps for iso8601, meck, ...
 56c91c1e4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 7b9d325fb [BP] MB-61017: Wait for failover to complete before checking counters
 96976db0d MB-61233: Pass scramsha_fallback_iteration_count to memcached
 fb9508496 [BP] MB-61010: [cluster_tests] Workaround for "EOF occurred...
 36e917f8e MB-61010: [cluster_tests] Workaround for "EOF occurred...
 1e666a125 Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' * couchbase/trinity:   MB-61202: Notify indexing of RR guardrail status   MB-61202: Notify indexing of disk usage status"
 59215dd9b MB-61017: Wait for failover to complete before checking counters
 507f1dd2c Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity' * couchbase/trinity:   MB-61202: Notify indexing of RR guardrail status   MB-61202: Notify indexing of disk usage status
 42463fed2 MB-61202: Notify indexing of RR guardrail status
 c21fdb986 MB-61202: Notify indexing of disk usage status
 ef9207f5c Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 998c4f354 MB-61201: Index RR growth guardrail config
 f432260ac MB-61201: Disk usage guardrail thresholds for indexing
 59bfd253e MB-61201: Add max index overhead per node guardrail
 881d2886d MB-61201: Notify indexing of guardrail config via metakv
 e6922889d MB-61201: Add simple index resident ratio guardrails
 837ec23c4 menelaus_web_guardrails: assert ns_config call was expected
 297adca34 menelaus_web_guardrails: Simplify config profile use in test
 75128cc68 Fix error msg for disk usage guardrail on num replicas change
 f2b62ad19 Merge branch 'couchbase/trinity' into master
 6a0b3232d Merge "Merge branch 'couchbase/neo' into trinity" into trinity
 943f2e824 MB-58882: Add stuck index rebalance alert
 70c96d225 MB-58882: Ensure that rebalance alert is disabled in UI
 ff43147fb MB-58882: Add stuck rebalance alert to UI
 76ff3f737 MB-61231 Avoid race by using bucket config
 db79b1a00 remove unneeded module prefixes from ns_cluster_membership
 8ddba5459 MB-60349 propagate Params map deeper into ns_rebalancer code
 6d99573f1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 1e1fc5949 MB-59451: Redirect rebalance observer logs to a different file.
 d137cec3b Merge branch 'couchbase/neo' into trinity
 87c96b01b MB-60894: [BP] Gracefully handle dmesg restriction
 9b05746ba MB-60839: [BP] Fix saving anonymous functions
 e1f6586d5 cluster_tests: log_at_all_nodes de-dup logging
 cd73caacf MB-61225: Add descriptive error for enableCrossVectorVersioning
 dcbd27037 MB-61217: [enacl] Get rid of clang15 compilation errors
 addeb6992 Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'"
 a89ca0a2a Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 d7ab96530 MB-60883 Change kv_ep_cache_miss_ratio formula
 52ca8ed80 Fix node addition scenario when client cert...
 6c4c5c2bc Add keyAgreement key usage for node cert...
 c9d61989d MB-60757: Don't allow internal users to login to UI
 60524883c Get node uuid consistently
 452b870a7 MB-61183: Install enacl priv dir
 9da731256 Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'"
 1b3ef396a Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 9bead0cee MB-61015 Disallow disabling enableCrossClusterVersioning
 8612a9162 MB-61070 Disallow enableCrossClusterVersioning on memcached
 0b5030943 MB-61172: Install chronicle dump and priv dir
 57fa83284 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 15f1ea020 MB-61028 Return an error when internal timeout occurs
 63af48329 MB-60560: Compile ns_server and deps with rebar3
 f4354ae8c MB-61082/MB-60107 Fix detached flag filtering
 741a67a5f Fix invalid log reports
 48985a274 MB-60560: Move cut to new ns_common dep
 4451c4645 MB-61050/MB-60107 Fix yaml:encode test
 57bf23a34 MB-61050/MB-60107 Fix ordering of expected results
 32b819d2d Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 f4712276e MB-60994/cluster_tests: Test bucket creation was successful
 378a886b8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 c3a8d5521 MB-60637: [BP] Use native pbkdf2_hmac
 f7e40511d MB-60637 Use native pbkdf2_hmac
 0f443e795 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 53f3f2396 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0' into trinity
 6bf5ef664 MB-60987: Send refresh msg only for non-memcached buckets
 76c5c65d5 [cluster_tests] Add tests for loading pkcs12 client certs
 afa18d3bd [cluster_tests] Add tests for loading int client certs
 3cd38866a [cluster_tests] Add tests for loading encrypted keys
 64f421ecc Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 a0e1b162a Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'"
 f7dad79eb MB-60818 Tone down the OOM alert messaging
 b7664ab5c Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 7614af731 Permit offline upgrade from 7.6 to Morpheus
 8b4bfb463 MB-60835: Add serverGroup to short bucket endpoint nodesExt
 874814275 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 6e2d87fe5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0' into trinity
 cfbd729ad MB-60875: Refresh bucket info after ns_memcached ensure_bucket.
 485489c3d Remove async:race
 908993a1a MB-60924/60107 Set fail_if_no_peer_cert to false
 011d834bf Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 5b4af24f5 MB-60872: [cluster_tests] Add some tests for security...
 5e72f1790 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 3a43ceac5 MB-56368: Report rebalance progress on UI
 157aa8be9 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 82accb152 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/neo' into trinity
 2b2e0b71e MB-60872: Make sure DELETE /settings/security don't crash
 7bb202228 MB-60484/MB-60107 Adhere to stricter password requirements
 9b09e72db Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 35df7b58d MB-60652 RestEjectTest waits for bucket on all nodes
 2dd030261 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 e2af13ce9 MB-60752: Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0' into trinity
 588d489de MB-60752: Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/neo' into 7.6.0
 272980cca MB-60752: use app name when scope is global
 6db287fc5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 20f074885 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0' into trinity
 c73d718bc MB-60611: Use new system collection read/write privileges
 c466aee6b MB-60752: Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0' into trinity
 bec6f2964 MB-60752: Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/neo' into 7.6.0
 945a28823 MB-60752: incorporate func scope while requesting stats
 f61ea2a40 MB-60649: Hash migration should ignore pre-7.6 auth info
 9b87b35dc MB-60649: Upgrade prometheus user hashes
 a7bdf9a52 MB-60486/MB-60107 Remove use of http:uri:encode
 45a276311 MB-60763 Handle _system collection's requirement
 86eeafb23 MB-60641: Add description for cm_authentications_total
 3b3cf6e4e MB-60649: Report exception in store_auth in hash migration
 8008da24d MB-60649: Perform hash migration for admin and prometheus
 c41a50cef Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 a1b111c51 Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0'" into trinity
 728b172b0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 923076ef2 MB-59864: Combine failover reads/writes/safety checks into transaction
 61ff9322f MB-59864: Update failover to operate on single snapshot
 766eef730 MB-60724: Fix parsing of bool as atom in menelaus_web_settings2
 f89e8fe8f MB-60550: Handle local user migration at couchdb
 f5da32be0 MB-60649: Implement hash migration for admin and prometheus
 0f8ed8c14 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0'
 b4bddb884 MB-60717 Add new cluster capabilities for search
 0d1083a96 MB-60641: Add authentication counters
 eec4aa058 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 d340f4103 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0'
 d3e02104b MB-60621 Stat description missed in merge conflict
 46d95c270 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/neo'
 07c8cca6f MB-60621 Rename sys_cpu_cgroup_seconds_total_usage
 2ac574b62 MB-60599 Fix StatsRangeAPITests
 186a821f5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 21c5a0c72 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0'
 17c09f491 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/neo'
 5cdddb973 [BP] MB-60568 Use sigar computed cores available
 be093f044 [BP] MB-60568 Use 'online' processor count
 92dee5a5b Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 45408850c MB-59880: Make failover async to auto_failover module
 fd218f45f MB-60651: Lower argon2id memory by default
 7581827c2 Merge branch 'couchbase/trinity' into master
 13b530af2 Merge branch 'couchbase/7.6.0' into trinity
 e27ab158f MB-60429: audit properly convert unknown domains
 efd71393c Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'.
 da801614d Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0'.
 cb2067277 MB-60550: Enable hash migration on Provisioned ...
 39b931222 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 cbb987343 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0'
 fa5f170e2 MB-60568 Use sigar computed cores available
 8216056d7 MB-60568 Use 'online' processor count
 e18df2099 Plot last bucket in master_events.log when unspecified
 313be7a2a MB-60595: rebalance_analyser support no moves in master_events
 6e0807f3e Add failoverPreserveDurabilityMajority to auto-failover test
 74ff8316c Remove references to failover of server groups.
 781e58c17 rebalance plot: Plot latest bucket when unspecified
 1fcc43fd7 rebalance plot: Handle rebalance_report with missing fields
 99c5227b8 rebalance plot: Include unit for x axis
 aca00eb67 Merge branch 'couchbase/trinity' into master
 c38b3d576 Merge branch 'couchbase/7.6.0' into trinity
 331bcf5dd MB-60429: Allow filtering out unknown users
 590671bc7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 56723867c MB-57610[BP]: Rebalance progress metrics
 dd93b8f84 MB-57610[BP]: Configurable ns_server_stats gauge expiration
 4872ef934 [BP]: Simplify report_erlang_stat/2
 5a26d8eed [BP]: Add type specs for ns_server_stats notify functions
 9df038f1d MB-60107 Fix dialyzer error found by erlang 26
 e9b9fe325 MB-57610: Rebalance progress metrics
 eb5b5e827 Merge remote-tracking branch 'gerrit/trinity'
 eed01e99b Merge remote-tracking branch 'gerrit/7.6.0'
 20d3884ef MB-60487 return the bucket not found error message to what it was
 3c72cceea Merge branch 'couchbase/trinity' into master
 87e1e9eb9 Merge branch 'couchbase/7.6.0' into trinity
 d02f12fb1 MB-60429: auth audit bad domain rejected->unknown
 dc068b165 MB-60479: ignore FileNotFoundError cbcollect rmdir
 b399b9826 MB-58266: Limit prometheus GOMAXPROCS flag
 6ba091a32 Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'"
 a62ba8ade MB-60510 Add ?VERSION_MORPHEUS
 23d89fe0d Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 3e898c4d2 Merge remote-tracking branch '7.6.0' into 'trinity'
 54d71c683 MB-60522: [cbcollect_info] Pull support for zap sub commands over fts files
 7743a703c MB-59676: Include http request counts for cbas + remove internal error
 720f9c469 Merge branch 'couchbase/trinity' into master
 0da033afb Merge branch 'couchbase/7.6.0' into trinity
 f936fd86e MB-60511: Rename trinity to 7.6
 e92b46302 Backport fixes from Master to 7.6.0.
 02ee2bb7a MB-57610: Configurable ns_server_stats gauge expiration
 985a8119b MB-60390: reset all filter settings
 e721f817e Log completion of "wait for seqno persisted" on ...
 eb39e5106 Simplify report_erlang_stat/2
 c5706c2b5 Add type specs for ns_server_stats notify functions
 b170cafb7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 fc88c3dfa Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0' into trinity
 f327927a8 MB-56433: return Client cert authentication
 69f196736 MB-56433: Don't let user login to UI using password when...
 ea625d013 MB-60390: reset all filter settings
 08579c868 MB-60389: Add some cluster tests...
 a77a1e9b6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 ff120bae2 MB-60428: Remove identity for client cert auth audit
 eec0ad54a Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0' into trinity
 c6b6edbaf Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/neo' into 7.6.0
 030738ba7 MB-60389: Don't use uri_string:parse.
 51d3b26d7 Return proper error message on empty certificate
 5a28c334a Merge branch 'couchbase/trinity' into master
 48981db07 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0' into HEAD
 df857a815 MB-60380: Gracefully handle dmesg restriction
 c6cb54d07 MB-60311: Cbcollect not correctly cleaning /tmp
 9cd259da0 MB-60175: Don't reset canAbortRebalance when ...
 50697e77f MB-59676 - add four new CBAS stats, mark four existing stats as deprecated
 bd0898499 MB-59965 - stop using _uistats endpoint in UI
 09c248bb2 MB-59676 - add four new CBAS stats, mark four existing stats as deprecated
 3a48d1f5e Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0' into trinity
 c436034e0 MB-59374: explicitly mention LDAP user type
 ea84d20d2 MB-59374: explicitly mention LDAP user type
 449b1680c MB-59965 - stop using _uistats endpoint in UI
 a4299208a Improve client cert auth UI login tests
 af6a22928 Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'"
 8b391e42c MB-60364: Disable index low resident alert for CE
 9ee0a7616 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 e3c9e2fcb Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0'." into trinity
 79d40de68 MB-60050: add validation for advanced user-to-dn-mapping
 40922dc26 MB-60296: set enableFilters in the end of callstack
 9236b4d39 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0'.
 17f10293f MB-60323: Drop to not_provisioned state if provisioning fails.
 37c16a2ed Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/trinity'
 14bbb3e70 MB-60324: dump-guts should handle keys with a purge timestamp
 0876a224e MB-59611 Ability to get info from chronicle guts
 09ceb841d Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0'
 16812317a MB-60348: Store auth only when it's changed.
 dca6dcde0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/7.6.0'
 03bdc0250 MB-60290 Replace usage of distutils
 63507d0f3 MB-59583: Limit processing of large SAML responses.
 832b4dd80 Merge branch 'trinity'
 af577199a Merge branch '7.6.0' into trinity
 4bba0a480 MB-60026: Test argon2id hash params before applying them
 aa1d42df1 MB-60026: Lower the argon2id memory max
 f174de8ed MB-60026: Use separate hash settings for internal creds
 d5105a739 MB-60026: Refactor menelaus_web_settings:handle_post
 4b1d8422e MB-60026: Don't allow duplicates in meneleus_web_settings
 288972252 Log failures while fetching vbucket stats.
 6fca96e15 MB-60172 Add additional scope/collection tests
 5a2b2ec29 rebalance plot: Fix handling for incomplete report
 c7e521285 MB-60078 Updates wtavg_docs_latency_seconds description
 e3dbcaaab MB-60221 Fixes wtavg_docs_latency_seconds issue
 9c09e1e0b MB-60048: Add missing metrics for rebalance successful and cancelled counts
 8af5d195c MB-60193: Don't implicitly build cmdline args for services ...
 aa5da136c MB-60149 Remove stats when bucket is deleted
 a82f69741 MB-60159: Add a unit test that checks that...
 cdc498f6f MB-60159: Use dirty schedulers unconditionally
 853a46c5a MB-59751: [SAML] Use assertion ID for dupe check...
 e9bee2833 Rename replications_difference -> merge_replications.
 ccc8cbea7 MB-58932: Support rebalance report in rebalance_analyser
 0f0a4a8b1 Merge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/neo' into main2"
 932cb891c Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/neo' into main2
 e9274f1fe MB-59989: use Number.isFinite to check integer
 3b9fa6440 MB-50896: Re-enable get_keys send identity
 20d551b99 MB-58932: Rename scripts dirs and files for python imports
 7b17bf5a2 MB-58932: Add wrapper script for plotting bucket rebalance
 fedb500b4 MB-60132: Disable n1ql sequential scan for ...
 64ebd6a44 [LDAP] MB-56048: Add '.' to the list of allowed characters.
 274397387 MB-60094: [UI] Show rates for some query metrics
 acdf907df MB-51932: Reuse prepared stats reply when possible
 c1498b18e MB-51932: Protect stats_reader from queue backlog
 c0c4f6123 MB-59973: Use correct timeout for addNode call in doJoinCluster
 a7e02e0d0 MB-59915: copyright year bump ns_server UI
 3d9840f0c Remove old deps entries in .gitignore
 a7d2117a5 MB-59085: Ensure n1ql default quota is always 0
 3915c48e9 MB-59772 Re-add code lost when change-id changed.
 890691052 MB-59771 Copyright Year Hardcoded
 9c422312d MB-60078 Fixes wtavg_docs_latency_seconds issue
 a128844c7 MB-59197: Change advanced userToDN placeholder
 50b625db8 MB-58489: UI: Add "TLS" prefix for "Middlebox Compatibility"
 88d154bd2 formatting
 f6d149778 MB-60032 Add role to control Query sequential scan access
 be665a5ee MB-59914: [SAML] Add more support for multivalued attrs
 03c9f53dd MB-59914: [SAML] Test multi-valued attributes
 896af2f6f MB-59772 Support "no expiry" for collection (maxTTL=-1)
 e4203d0d6 MB-60030: [SAML] Fix roles validation
 6e6bbe9fc MB-59604: [SAML] Validate assertion issuer
 05f39fae7 Fix inconsistent formattingL menelaus_web_stats:aggregate_values
 c732b72fb MB-59910: Retry setting data ingress status after failure
 f081802e0 MB-59839 Provide more info for setup_replications_failed
 66f16bf2a MB-58253: Replace misc:groupby_map with maps:groups_from_list.
 408c04b7b cluster_tests: Add Chronicle dump to log collection
 be5a00ebb MB-60016: [SAML] Support clock skew and check not_before
 c18f5f9ff Revert "MB-59085: Ensure n1ql default quota is always 0"
 c55aea9fd MB-59085: Ensure n1ql default quota is always 0
 fb55bc2f0 MB-59174: Prefer 404 to 405 when URL path is ...
 8d21a8c40 MB-58579: Migrate [enable|disable]_auto_rebalance_settings
 afb2b0d0b MB-53529 Add Query Memory Quota Setting
 5cd3b3675 MB-59605: show error and hide edit ttl button for CE
 73ade66f0 MB-59982: pass ttl only when isFinite
 443beda60 MB-59983: set enableFilters based on stream
 b356aba0a MB-59913: Avoid unwanted auto-failover tick in tests
 a7d08c470 cluster_tests: Supply cluster tests args by env vars in cmake
 a836c9bf7 MB-59908: Don't crash guardrail_enforcer when node goes down
 2c1de934a Refactor guardrail_enforcer test for greater coverage
 a47d9d873 cluster_tests: Add --collect-logs-after-error param
 2ccb6c1e4 Support taskRegexp param for startLogsCollection
 785c6d8a2 Mark stats deprecated in description file
 c79639696 MB-59771 Change Copyright Year
 fe06f94f5 MB-51233 - Settings Save Button
 6e549ffed MB-53707: Rename MC_MAXINT to MAX_32BIT_UNSIGNED_INT
 896f73de1 Revert "Revert "MB-58782 Make phone home telemetry mandatory in CE""
 d81753904 Revert "MB-58782 Make phone home telemetry mandatory in CE"
 e73030f42 MB-58782 Make phone home telemetry mandatory in CE
 c85b91fd2 MB-59751: Make saml assertion dupe check more strict
couchstore is at 7cf8209, changes since last good build: 
 7cf8209 MB-61060: Add tests for bulk updating+deleting of docs.
 24630a8 Remove redundant memset
 86f3d74 MB-59041: Verify the existence rather than size
 a6e340e MB-59041: Delete Incorrect Snappy Unit Tests
couchdb is at 87f8fa8, changes since last good build: 
 87f8fa85 Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 d6897c34 MB-60846: Check for process present before removing the updater process
 f184bd2d Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 f781d999 MB-60722: Fix missing views audit logs
 534103ad MB-60722: Fix missing views audit logs
 bcca3bcb Merge remote-tracking branch 'couchbase/unstable' into HEAD
 3c1f585c MB-60485: Fix compilation error due to deprecated float
testrunner is at 4b91c23, changes since last good build: 
 4b91c23a9 add new version supports to
 c6d4449ac Adding 7.6.1 and 7.6.2 to testconstants
 7527c36d7 Modify testssl tests conf file
 29b12448b Scheduled Merges Sanity Test
 85405a001 Fixing string formatting
 76a6b6d0f Adds 'skipped' status for merge tasks to the allowed values in setter method.
 6dcfe26a6 CBQE-8154 : Removing iptables installations on any ec2 instances
 fe4ad4a96 Adding log collection for testrunner capella tests
 957ab6884 Fixed the rerun scripts failing
 7b08f7767 Add selective reruns of jobs
 b91d86fa2 Delete stats
 83a66229c Adding support to dispatch columnar jobs
 3b257aee4 Increasing DefaultTasksMax from 512 to 65535 to increase number of threads in SUSE Linux
 7a880b2d5 Fixing script to install zip and unzip on non suse linux instances
 1cdef74b9 Fixing ssh command stdout check
 f94f31be0 Installing zip and unzip packages on AWS Instances before testing
 2d055db3e CBQE-8153 : Temporary fix to resolve No Route to Host issues by rebooting the instance
 c4b388f86 CBQE-8001 : Installing elasticsearch on additional elastic-fts instances
 081325581 Fixed invite user function
 9385825b8 Fixed invite user function which was missed in this change 206151: Revert 'Reverting the verify new user verification change'
 39b88ba07 Fixing log collection mechanism in testrunner
 3cf066831 CBQE-8148: Removing dummy suite_setUp / suite_tearDown functions
 592fc0fb8 Updation test cases and fixing memcached error
 9d5882eca differentiate tests for connection pre check, filter binary and new mobile bucket setting
 0fddfff2c Fix for CTE failure related to joins
 be08ba790 Fix timing issue in sequential scan test
 d5d9eaea6 Fix expressions tests for ansi joins
 741cf41d6 Install: Updating install_constants to accomodate NODE_REINIT_TASKS
 ba4e69e97 Install: Introducing new variables in new_install::main()
 e8333522b Install: Passing NodeInstallers to all sub_tasks
 722a7ca57 Fixing logic in download_cb_non_package_installer() caller
 036defb87 Add time after node restart and before rebalance
 bb4a465e1 Fix for os_certify tests
 377100d76 Revert "Reverting the verify new user verification change"
 ace56e526 Reverting the verify new user verification change
 9e4bef0a4 Update hints tc
 a241739fc remove flaky tests
 58deb1ef3 remove flaky tests
 e3d707954 Wait before check flag
 9480822f4 Splitting gsi upgrade tests
 ff696caa6 remove flaky tests
 5d7d2d9ce Install: Removing redundant list() usage in do_uninstall()
 a594c2994 Install: Adding new flag 'force_reinstall' for user_inputs
 74fdb7f40 Install: Adding only the functions to support future changes
 b454cb871 remove flaky legacy tests
 02c70cbb2 move views tests to couchstore
 8e45c3ddd move views tests to couchstore
 37ce5c610 Revert "Install: Support to skip installation if version already installed"
 e99575554 added more fts nodes to some conf files
 03bd0e23d Adding bucket_storage=couchstore for subdoc::view tests
 6f49ef531 added 4 node ini for fts
 33ba9d93e Install: Support to skip installation if version already installed
 5cb6fe5df added sleep time after data loading
 3838c89fa Disabling and fixing some gsi tests
 0bcf7ccef fixed UnboundLocalError
 72305d6d5 fixing regressions - IP addr
 b5a8449f0 Adding 7.2.4 upgrade test cases in upgrade_old suite
 0ba9a877f fixing fts regressions - debian-fts_custom-map-rqg-scorch_5.5_P1
 8ea6d8cf3 fixing regressions - debian-fts_sanity-client-comp-on-bucket-comp-on_5.5_PS
 0360f0e31 Install unzip before using it
 6ceb8869d Regrouping tests
 c556fed3b Add log statements to SAML tests
 4e4efe67e fixing fts regressions - debian-fts_simpletopology-multicollections-only-scorch_7.0_P1
 6828f618b fixing fts regressions - debian-fts_moving-topology-enable-file-transfer-scorch_multiple_ca_G0_7.1_P0
 50b89ace8 run views tests on couchstore
 854134909 fix for collections P1 xdcr
 0d82924bf Adding support for hardResetNode API for onPrem node
 3ad4dceb2 Disabling some gsi tests
 c866054df fix adv filtering-2 xdcr conf
 d745e6abd Commenting out post_upgrade create_data_set() call
 c0ef9cc91 Commenting out post_upgrade create_data_set() call
 dfa899829 Changing services to rebalance post upgrade
 e0fca4b5f gsi upgrade test fix
 e0f0787c9 remove flaky tests
 49074ccfa remove flaky tests
 3e743bf09 remove flaky tests
 9109da2d5 remove flaky tests
 78b8ae252 remove flaky tests
 a9722a2dd Fix for skip range key test
 47a55000b Update test to use system scope for 7.6
 9cf9f857e Fix ansi merge failure for new expected behavior
 8b7c9c79f Install gawk in case it is not already installed Change-Id: I30f9f649dd1b56fe6f64a4f3c49065a6c8703ea5 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Elliot Broxton  Tested-by: 
 d88b1b241 Add wait time
 2fd717660 Add wait time
 6a74a43ca Update error
 433582263 Wait for DGM load
 c7564fdbc fix for checkpointing vb0 xdcr
 6202acf23 Adjust the protocl to tls, when needed
 13b7e3399 Add a debug message
 8517beb99 Backup/Restore shard affinity test fix
 bc2bddbf6 Retry mechanism for reblance status gsi provisioned test
 9e01b8d0f Update the gocb versions
 9ec3b1fea CBQE-8114 - Backup/Restore of Users Regression Test Refactor
 bdfc19c14 Retry mechanism for flush buckets
 29b611918 Fixes to smart batching tests
 a92f9d13e getting user-agent version
 fd23ea842 Fix for p1 test
 3120a5d9b Wrap import in try/except
 c3522c409 Adding check to skip user invitation on prod environment
 b9fe6ee7d commenting non-relavant tests for 7.6
 b8bde53f2 Create index if not exists and update expected index based on cbo
 1cc488f15 Init fts object
 bcbc1a3bf Fix for array flattening
 c306c3751 Update expected plan with cbo
 21445626e Handle rbac case with system catalog
 bdc135feb Fixing gsi upgrade tests
 ba79225ce LMK fixes
 3b560afc4 Fixes for ascdesc tests
 0f1ebb128 Fix for one of the two array-indexing-3 failures
 d819c09cb Add plan logging and update expected plan
 b79c78db2 comming vector search cmp fiass with delete doc ops
 88b7151bc Disabling unstable plasma tests and keeping only 2 test to stabilise them and track them in jenkins
 26a933c2f Fixing gsi provsioned tests
 9c19e58ce added keyword to fts log scanner
 7d1925c93 Revert "Replacing all killall by pkill"
 f86c9926c Update expected advise
 703c0db71 Update expected message
 8fe79e378 Remove invalid test for 7.6
 b3ff5035e Fix regression failures and comment out unstable test
 17e1aaac4 install unzip before using it
 ad7849ca8 Fixing gsi tests
 0bf0bee7c Replacing all killall by pkill
 51ea88c58 1.Removing query result validation before and after node failover/rebalance/warmup for 1M docs 2.Changed few P0 test's to P1
 911cf0507 Fix rbac testsuite issue
 9ab01a6fd Fixing cancel timer tests
 f1e410405 Fixing gsi tests- num replica
 44629131f Conf file changes- backup/restore file_based_rebalance
 1d296ed37 Disabling obsolete tests -gsi
 0ef62a8d1 Check indexer node presence
 36d35a60a check_gsi_logs_for_panic changes
 fa30437d6 fix for delete library failure
 654146e08 Fix the failure to create magma bucket by increasing the size
 ef9f322dc Fixing handing of docs in system::query collections in ttl case
 b27479afd Remove item_num_based_new_chk from epctl tests - it was removed in Trinity
 01f1bd5ca Replacing cbdocloader with cbimport in buckettests
 ff731c932 Fixes for P1 vector search moving topology tests
 9ae75dd2e Handle vector field in query type
 d7ab0356c Add cancel js udf tests
 40c48e016 Disabling some gsi tests
 d3fd89cd5 xdcr nwusage _query collection fixes
 e844fb2ae Fixes for moving topology tests
 747d41f3d Reduce bucket quota for volume test
 0d6b97f37 Update the expected error message
 e9f77429c Ensure buckets >256MB created during restore with magma
 2c831a88c test_drop_duplicate_indexes_on_rebalance fix
 bd4c97808 Grouping larger upgrade tests by the initial build version
 f7128876a Update expected error
 f003b588a Skip the data validation for non-json data
 9bb9df519 Change the buckets type and quota
 9bf3c27fc Remove metadata bucket item count check in teardown
 afd41c665 CBQE-8100 : Changing bucket size for undersized ephemeral cases
 88e570c41 Change the expected error for when a remote bucket is missing
 b35ac9057 Adding different dimension vector search tests
 f29954bea Adjust the expected message to the log
 7ed4e87b2 Fixing gsi provsioned tests
 11871a257 Disabling somme flaky tests
 1dc99bcaa Update expected error
 e0f8390e4 Adjust the error message
 60eb7ee41 Wait for DCP streaming before killing erlang Change-Id: Iddfe6b20e605211bc3096cd17fa8ca04742987fe Reviewed-on: Tested-by:  Reviewed-by: Elliot Broxton 
 91351d3a5 Adding Ini for goldfish tests
 9fe716914 Run num buckets created in ephemeral test
 d8774d3c5 changed default vector dataset
 058b63578 Update expected error code and message
 50f70c16a added accuracy and recall in vs
 415d282c3 Avoid creating buckets larger than RAM quota
 be14f194f Adding 7.2.4 upgrade test cases
 b0895de48 Adding 7.2.5 to testconstants
 316e8bc1e removed python script to load vector data instead made everything dockerised
 475bdfadc Adding 7.2.4 to testconstants
 2a51247ea Ignore build already in progress exception
 f206e060c added logging to vector tests
 f29f3bef9 support for cbimport of vector data
 90f0049e0 Force couchstore to the restore using views test
 b1d3df0cc load_until_index_dgm fix
 479c878dd Fix expected error
 bcac932cd Add checks to prevent bucket_size = RAM in collection_base
 389834da5 Fixes for early filter order tests
 b58d04541 Fix for stable topology vector search tests
 bc772217a update expected plan
 abe21cdab Fix expected result
 cf3d5005f Update the expected message
 5c1a7c3fa Force views to run with couchstore
 911d3505c Don't check ddcos in case of MAGMA
 9fe012166 Change the for loop to expect an array for strings
 b2a3a53de Fixes to wait stats function
 d4fded163 fixes for bucket storage xdcr
 3d7302c67 Fix bucket count/size
 dd86f2f4e Fix expected error
 038c8cc58 Fix test case and improve logging
 8ab325e01 Fix test cases
 98dc4336d Update txn test
 1e8c75bf8 change bucket storage to couchstore
 4ae3213c7 load_until_index_dgm fix
 9c329a7ef Disabling some gsi encryption tests
 d65eaf1c9 updating bucket storage for views rebalance cases
 0f8725f88 Integration of capella in vectorsearch tests.
 d1ba8679c Fix SAML Tests
 872f6e156 Fix SAML Tests
 3d3f0556b Fixing minor regression issue
 b7bc9b2ad Cleaning up journal logs during installation to free up space
 b7aeb1360 Fix regression failures
 2c6032993 Fix regression failures
 43559f094 Adding new category for stress tests
 015b050ed Cleaning up /tmp/entbackup
 6435727b7 Cleaning up /tmp/cbbackupmgr-staging
 23d85b8d1 Update param passed to invite user
 8665cdd4b New test added - MB58820
 f0c6aa5d0 updating query cases with backend couchstore
 c6c531c6b 1. Adding bucket quota parameter for vector search buckets 2. Running docker commands using docker sdk and cleaning up docker containers which might be running
 97ff9a97b Add more information regading the setting of the AZURE SUBSCRIPTION_ID environment variable
 db3aa8d64 Move test_backup_purge to the end of the config because it might be cause downstream tests to fail
 cab834a63 Remove map-buckets check added to get_bucket_scope_cluster_host
 2a45b7084 Removing node status commands on failures
 0b7488f60 Adding problematic node ip when failing to copy build
 9c932d4c1 Force removing random dir created by MB-60311
 ea5ec66c7 fixes to vector search code
 4834c94c9 Remove withViewsOps from conf file
 246c766c7 Remove 9 bucket tests
 52d49d98b Reduce num buckets created
 04bb8805b make couchstore as default storage backend for the failing tests
 7edb0870c Run query tests with couchstore as the backend
 06c900365 CBQE-7975 : updating bucket to couchstore for views tests
 7858624a7 Automation for MB-59344
 26d1cdfc9 File-based rebalance fixes
 70663a07d cleanup tmp directory before downloading builds
 76676eaa0 Use dedicated invite_new_user
 4a6a83564 Vector search backup/restore test
 fe50d12c1 Enhancements to open groundtruth file correctly. Create IndexFlatIP faiss index for dot product Added additional logging to compare results.
 fed2fff99 Add more subquery cancelling tests
 03c50c1e2 Adding rhel9 support to AWS
 09259e093 Fix for upgrade tests
 2445cee75 KNN combination queries
 966536a1c File-based rebalance fixes
 9acfd3123 regression fixes for xdcr
 1d584ce49 Using magma doc loader for _post_upgrade function and some modifications to existing _post_upgrade function
 a9e95ec01 Fourth set of test cases for vector search moving topology
 a1fdc08ae Add testing for various MBs
 04479efd8 Changing the config to have lone KV node as the orchestrator logic has changed
 06edace44 CBQE-7657: Testcase for MB-53968
 fc46835b0 updating vector rqg to have only similarity l2_norm and query type match_none
 1d9c72524 Fix for ldap tests
 a11fca02a Correcting alter queries for alter index commands
 1255f9d44 corected ini file
 610151731 added more tests to vector moving topology
 58467d83f addded 8 node ini file for fts
 6db3f8843 Third set of moving topology vector search test cases with seperate loading
 ec45f55cb changed conf file for -fts-vector-search-movingtopology.
 8b3d895a4 added more tests to vector moving topology
 9acc5d7df Tests addition to vector search moving topology.
 793cc2901 Second set of moving topology vector search test cases for seperate loading
 45e280ac5 Add a new parameter to run specified number of vector queries and also return the matches so it can be used to perform validation
 a8e99c635 1. Added rebalance test to vector moving topology 2. Added methods to run queries for both common and separate loading
 a77c05e2b Adding vector moving topology tests for seperate loading
 3b1c1713f Add a parameter to pass bucket names to kill erlang utility function
 02a9ceae4 Remove failed over nodes from kv service node list after rebalance
 5caf72598 Removing nodes from kv service node list after rebalance
 a8cb173d3 made changes to dataloading for vector search moving topology
 35c40017a moving topology vector search
 4c9b3e968 Additional logging for compression tests
 280679e92 Added negative test case for vector search store=True
 08cac5ef1 Added validations for matching exact docs before and after update of vector index
 fa36a0968 Adding error logs for memcached.log
 2b999ca48 Added faiss validations
 edd7b668d Fixing gsi upgrade tests
 c27ecf171 Bypassin building in background error for async create index
 ddb3b5a10 Fixing install issues with toybuild urls
 eb9a34519 MB-57543: later join test case
 582163b7b Add/update rbac test case for sequential scans
 5112ad427 Changing the order for the recovery test
 45cd8c6f4 segregation of gsi compression upgrade tests
 4e5a9c5ba CBQE-8038 : Fix bucket creation issue in upgrade_tests_collections tests
 85f6a5ea3 Fixes failure for concurrent indexes tests and smart batching
 75109832f Vector search alias test case
 6de88c739 Fixing test failure for backup_and_restore and concurrent indexes
 c4855b90d fix for es index with vector type
 0493d6a22 fixed creating alias index if bucket isn't passed in params
 2088e247d Modified conf file
 f0d69f5d5 Vector search index update test cases
 4dbdc8c73 vector search custom map and faiss comparison
 bacbef03d add support OSX Sonoma
 32ee750e3 Vector Search extra support and testcases addition Change-Id: I93230badb17b856f069bf70a3e0513a749b25a27 Reviewed-on: Tested-by:  Reviewed-by: 
 693912ae5 Disabling wait for schedule index for test that needs indexes to be in schedule state
 915ea4c98 add bucket settings for xdcr mobile convergence
 14a6496d2 MB-60031: test cases for sequential scans RBAC
 764b8c94a CBQE-7936: 22/n Refactor + fix issues
 01200d33f Disabling obsolete index test
 9fef95e89 Fixing bucket_storage in eviction conf
 dae71d9ed CBQE-7936: 21/n Okta API token refactor
 00ca2628d CBQE-7936: 20/n Add Okta APIs
 4a442aa6c Add test case for delete offset
 3bdb2fb3d Fix a problem with killall not recognised by installing psmisc
 c6f00ce58 Removed the extra parameter being supplied to invite_user method
 483c30987 fixed versions in requirements.txt which are compatible with VMs
 9f316ccdd Update the upgrade versions
 2da7e7368 Bypassing email verification while inviting new user to tenant
 7e41e8cdf Changing the assert for restoring invalid scope and collection for the behavioral change from 7.6
 a0766fb78 Fix ansi merge test cases
 69e08ae36 CBQE-8055 - Fix backup_restore_collection_sanity failures for 7.6.0
 77ef6e901 added requirements to requirements.txt file
 98c5e1b3b CBQE-8054: Fix -auto-create-buckets test failures for 7.6.0
 7f2efc15b Added FTS Vector Search Framework - 1. Added conf file to run vector tests 2. Added code to fts-base    2.1 Added parameterized helper functions to create buckets scopes and collections    2.2 Added parameterized helper functions to create fts indexes 3. Added vector search file containing all vector search tests mentioned in conf file. 4. Vector dataset generator is a helper file that downloads and returns any type of vector dataset file from online sources. 5. Vector dataset loader with help of dataset generator uploads vector data to couchbase.
 d2d0c543d Fix audit denied expected
 a74d33d76 Change the storage and bucket size for tests that use 3 standard buckets, due to a quota limitation
 ec6dee90e Test cases for cbo hints
 eb0e04869 Analytics analyze test cases
 a61bf2e88 Adding support for running goldfish tests
 94b8ac555 Enabling firewall test for gsi
 106c87132 MB-60031: tes case for sequential scans RBAC
 4244bba59 Test case for primary index use in correlated subq
 1dac63165 Fixes for rbac failures for collections tests
 98c7b9a76 Ignore the actual data validaition without the json flag
 f3cb96b25 Temove the analytics shutdown log - it is no longer in the log archive
 beabf9ecc Updating bucket_size=1024 to avoid test failures
 7a44a8560 stats failure fix
 51bd94e19 Fixing type incompatible issues
 9cc7545cf 1. Made scope name to "_default" if it is passed None by default. 2. Iteration of indexes list should be over list copy to avoid in-built loop break.
 48e109651 Fixed issues in test failure for index tests
 749fb8d5d Fix a typo that caused the string to be float
 5e883d6f8 GSI File-based rebalance fixes
 f7aab0566 Automating tests for MB-57757
 5e72e9c12 Automation for MB-59742
 21f013834 fixed build-sanity-trigger's check build issue. 7.2.x+ only produce single linux binaries.  Platform specific binaries are no longer been produced.
 7a8dc524f Fixing the assertion for replica repair after rebalance
 5e3e7055c Test cases for select order and exclude
 d114d6a67 move sanity scripts to testrunner repo.
 d7b904f24 Update expected error
 16d45c2fc Removing index definition check for alter index drop
 69877fe2d take input username/password from capella section
 805b3744c Add build sanity trigger to testrunner
 7c59ec5c6 Update update_stats TC
Switching eventing to unstable
eventing is at 06fb9be, changes since last good build: 
 06fb9be0 MB-61488: Initialise subdoc flag value to 0
 5d4c925e MB-60752: use app name when scope is global
 3b05e905 MB-60752: include scope when requesting statistics
 30ef6656 MB-60408 : Changes for V8 upgrade to v12.1.285.26
 d1cb7529 MB-50944 : Allowing user to enable Sync Gateway Mutations for deployment of an eventing function
 4c12d9bf MB-60374: Don't allow concurrent operation on cid vb map
 d14c2df3 MB-59868: Ignore rollback if seq number is behind purge seq number
 7676026a MB-59868: Destroy query command when query controller goes out of scope
 e3a4abbe MB-59344: Handle new LCB error code for clearing cached credentials
 2d56e382 MB-59328: Fix showing time out error in application log
 513e1b85 MB-59026: Build eventing using Go Modules
 08a6916f MB-59305: Check ownership of the vb before creating vbucket checkpoint
 7c88e36d MB-59796: Ignore documents present in `_system` scope
Switching eventing-ee to unstable
eventing-ee is at f3ea789, changes since last good build: 
 f3ea789 MB-60408 : Changes for V8 upgrade to v12.1.285.26
 3ae53e7 MB-60351,MB-60020,MB-60022,MB-60057: Fix Double Unlocking in GC Thread
 0f5a044 MB-58991: Fix Logic for Caching and Lazy Loading
 eda126d MB-60220: Fix incorrect decoding logic for ID size in the Go Layer
 a48bcd5 MB-60196: Fix incorrect opcode decoding logic in the Go Layer
 9014dba MB-57032: Replace usage of `CURLOPT_HTTPPOST` with `CURLOPT_MIMEPOST`
 95527d3 MB-57483 : Handle process crash gracefully
Pulling in uncommitted change 160397 at refs/changes/97/160397/3
Total 23 (delta 15), reused 17 (delta 15)
[unstable 363af4a8] MB-100 : Do not fail n1ql timeout test if we are catching timeout exceptions successfully
 Author: abhijpes 
 Date: Mon Aug 30 08:24:38 2021 +0530
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
Building cmakefiles and deps
Building main product

Server build failed: Making Install

Version: versions-16.04.2024-19.34.cfg
Build Log: make-16.04.2024-19.34.log
Server Log: logs-16.04.2024-19.34.tar.gz
